The excitement continues to build as we prepare for our 8th Annual Throne Zone. In one week, we will meet at the Founders Inn for a much anticipated time worshiping around the Throne of God. I truly believe that many who come are in need of Rest, Refreshing or Renewal, and to that end we are focusing all of our energy and effort to meet them at their point of need. We hope that you will make plans to join us February 3-5, 2011 at the Founders Inn Conference Center in Virginia Beach, VA for the Throne Zone!
All who are in need of being in an atmosphere charged with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit….we hope you come.
For more information on location, schedule, guest speakers and times of worship, please visit
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PS: The night services are free and open to the public (as space allows). A registration fee does apply to all the daytime session.