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Look for Your Anomaly


I hope that you enjoyed the June partner letter from Michele.  I know people always love to hear things from her perspective, and I always love for her to connect with you as much as possible.  In that letter, she brought you up to speed with our transition to Raleigh, and I am excited to say that Kingdom Connections continue!

Paul Hollifield and I have been visiting several pastors, worship leaders and State Overseers sharing who we are, our passion for God’s presence, and seeking how we can partner with their ministries to see God’s plans and purposes revealed.  God is on the move, and several prophetic words have come from various streams regarding a Revival that will impact a 200 mile radius from the Raleigh area.  One prophet called Michele and I out this past weekend to share that God has transplanted us (uprooted us from Virginia) to bring us to Raleigh because we would play an instrumental role in the Revival that was getting ready to break loose in the Raleigh area.  As we met with each of these Pastors and Administrative Bishops, we continued to hear that same thread within each conversation.  Each of these prophetic words and ministry leaders were not connected, yet they were picking up the same word in the spirit which brought great comfort and encouragement to us.

As we wrestled with this move in the physical realm, and with all the unexpected financial costs that arose with the move, these prophetic words gave a sense of assurance that God has strategically uprooted and planted us in this region for a prophetic purpose.  And as I dealt with each of these items, I began to think of you and where you may be today as you read this partner letter.

I am reminded of Moses, as he was on the backside of the wilderness working his day job watching over the sheep, when the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the form of a burning bush.  And as I read this account in Exodus 3, there were several things that brought clarity to my mind, and I feel as if the Lord wanted me to call these things to your attention because of where you are TODAY!


Verse 1 of Exodus 3 says that Moses kept the flock of Jethro, and he led the flock to the back or west side of the wilderness and came to the mountain of God.  Remember, this Prince of Egypt who had the power of great influence and leadership, was driven from his POSITION into a wilderness experience.  It was a place where no one knew his name.  In a sense, he was starting over.  

Perhaps you have recently experienced what the world would call a setback.  Perhaps you had great influence on your job, in your school, with your peers or at your church.  But now, like Moses you find yourself on the backside of the wilderness where no one knows your name and you feel as if you are simply going through the motions of life without any purpose.  I am confident these were the same emotions Moses felt.

But thank God, this was not the end of the story for Moses, or for you and me.


By definition, an anomaly is something that deviates from what is standard, normal or expected.  Basically, expect the unexpected!

This is what happened as Moses saw the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire.  Verse 2 of Exodus 3 says that “The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold the bush burned with fire, yet was not consumed.”  This is an anomaly- something not normal or expected.  It was used to get the attention of Moses.  But as we read this account, Moses didn’t simply stop and say “…..WOW….that was weird” and simply move on.  NO, scripture says he turned aside to see this great sight.

If you and I are not careful, we will miss the bidding of the angel of the Lord.  We will see something that catches our attention, but will simply discount it as being really weird and move on.  WE MUST NOT MISS THE ANGEL OF THE LORD SHOWING UP IN UNEXPECTED WAYS OR PLACES!

As Michele said last month, God used the Worship Center to get our attention.  But when God uses things, it is not necessarily the Thing that he wants to give us revelation with.  It is simply God’s calling card to get our attention because He wants to speak to you and me.


Verse 4 of Exodus 3 says, “And when the Lord saw that he (Moses) turned aside to see, God called to him out of the midst of the bush.”  How many moments have you and I missed to hear from God.  We have celebrated and testified to the anomaly (that unique incident that caught our attention), but because we did not follow through with altering our plans and directions, we missed out on God speaking directly to us….even calling out our name as He did Moses.

Today, I want to challenge you (and my family) to change our direction or plans when the angel of the Lord is attempting to get our attention.

Draw near unto God, and He will draw near unto you and me!


The rest of Chapter 3 goes on to share the download that God gave Moses.  In essence, God revealed Moses’ purpose and destiny to him in that moment, as well as giving him specific instruction how to carry out that purpose.

That is what God wants to do for you and me.  He wants to download our purpose, reveal the reason why you and I were born during this specific time in life, and share the “HOW-TO’s” of reaching our destiny and full potential.

Moses was born for much more than simply a Prince of Egypt (ruler of bondage and oppression)!  He was born as a deliverer from that bondage induced to the Israelites.

What is your destiny?  Why do you exist?  

That is what fuels the passion and very heartbeat of His Call Ministries.  We desire to see the body of Christ discover who God has created them to be, and provide resources to help them achieve their God-given purposes.  That is why we host Throne Zone events!  It is because there are so many that are on the backside of the desert, no longer in their place of position or even prominence, but simply have not discovered the unique God-given purposes.  We desire to help the body of Chirst!

The Throne Zone is hopefully that burning bush.  Remember, the Angel of the Lord appeared in the Bush, but after the angel got the attention of Moses, God came on the scene and spoke.  Our role is to be like the angel’s and simply call out to those who are in the wilderness, believing that as they alter their plans or journey to come and see the bush, we get out of the way and let God speak.

Today, some of you are looking for your anomaly.  You are looking and waiting for the angel of the Lord to show up and reveal himself to you.  I encourage you to press into that Throne Zone Dimension of God’s presence so you can receive the download for your destiny.

You may say, “I don’t know how to access that dimension where I am!”.  To that, my response is simple….. “Join us July 25-27 in Raleigh/Durham for The Throne Zone”.  I can say that with confidence simply because our purpose is clear, and our mission is to create the atmosphere that will make it easy for you to enter into that Throne Zone dimension of God’s presence.  We will create that safe place, setting aside time for you to discover, explore but ultimately discover The Throne Zone for yourself so you can begin walking in the destiny God has planned for you according to Jeremiah 29:11.

Some of you may not be able to join us.  I would ask you to send a special offering or scholarship someone who may not be able to afford to come to the Throne Zone.  

What price would you pay if you knew you could receive the download from God to know why you were placed here on earth, and how you can implement these plans and purposes?  

Please help us to establish this Throne Zone Carolina.  We need your help!  There are individuals coming who are in their wilderness experience and they must discover their assignment.  Help us create this safe place with time set aside for people to discover The Throne Zone!  

Thank you for your help.

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