Happy New Year!
It is difficult to believe that we have already entered into a new decade. It seems as if it were only last year when we were at the 2000 New Year’s Eve service-gathered in prayer and worship-yet wondering if the power would go out when the clock struck midnight. There was widespread concern over the “what if” scenarios that Y2K presented as we embarked upon this new Millennium. And “9-11” were only the numbers we were trying to make sure that our children knew to call in case of an emergency. So much has transpired over the past 10 years that has reshaped America. Yet, God is speaking that this is a new season, and it is a new day. So, as the church, what do we expect this new decade to look like?
I am convinced as I watch the events of the world unfold before our eyes that we are embarking upon a new season in the spirit of God at warp speed. And all the hell that you and I have been fighting during 2010 is merely a process preparing us for the greatest days for the Church as we prepare to see the Glory of the Lord revealed like never before.
II Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
I have a plaque hanging in my office that says, “The years tell us what the days never knew”. And what that means in the life of a Christian is that the experiences we have come through shape and mold our paradigm of life, and prepare us for something greater that lies ahead. I believe that the church has come out of one season of glory, and we are transitioning into a New Season of God’s glory, but we are stuck in that “to” segment of transition. And unfortunately, this is the place where not everyone survives and makes the transition into the new season.
For many, we relieve the past. We coin those moments as the “Glory Days” and we exert much of our energy trying to relive those days. We set our eyes on those things which are behind of us rather than to lay hold to the future that God has called us to press toward.
We do not intentionally mean to look back to the past. It is either because our faith is weak, or because we feel as though we are growing older and lose the energy and passion which inhibits us from looking to the future. We use phrases like, “it is time for the next generation to rise up and begin to lead the church”. In essence, we forfeit the race.
I want to encourage you- and myself- that we must be relentless in our pursuit of God’s Glory. We must not forfeit our destiny! We must not keep looking to the past Glory Days, but we must realize that what we experienced in the past only pales in comparison to this new season of Glory- a season where the Glory of the latter house is far greater than the former. A season where Habakkuk 2:14 will be fulfilled: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”
You say, “Keith, I have heard this for the past 20 years. Why should I believe it now?”
My response to you is that we must be like the Sons of Issachar who knew the signs of their day, and the signs of God’s agenda. We must not only know what is on the heart of God, but we must be spiritually mature enough to see what is happening in our world. Then you can see that we are on the brink of breakthrough.
You see, there is a great surge of demonic manifestation and fascination with the supernatural that the world is being exposed to. You don’t have to go to a huge library or School of Theology to discern this. All you have to do is go to your neighborhood movie theatre to see what is playing.
When I was growing up, the show “Bewitched” aired. Now as my son is growing up, the Harry Potter series attempts to get this new generation interested in the supernatural. Then Disney put out a movie entitled “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” starring Nicolas Cage. The commercials on that movie made it seem to be a humorous and harmless movie. However, when you check out the movies for this month you see that Nicolas Cage is now starring in “The Season of the Witch”, which –in my opinion- is not a cute and harmless movie. Just watching the previews you can discern the onslaught of demonic manifestation and witchcraft. And if you stay tuned to more previews on the TV, you begin to see other films coming out early this year like, “The Rite” whose subtitle reads, “The making of a Modern Exorcist”. All you have to do is Google “Movies for 2011” to see a lineup of the movies being released, and it is easy to see where American’s are spending their money.
We must remember that demonic manifestation is the opposite (or what I like to call the counterfeit) of the original. What is the original? It is a manifestation of the Glory of the Lord, an invasion upon the earth by the angelic host of Heaven that surrounds the Throne of God! It is when people become not possessed by demons, but consumed by the Glory of the Lord. And it affects everyone who comes in contact with that person.
This is the beginning of God’s glory being released upon the Earth. This is your season. This is YOUR DAY!
I believe that this will be the DECADE of GOD’s GLORY! God is looking for someone who is not afraid to submit their total being to His will for their lives. He is looking for someone to simply say “YES” to HIS CALL. Will you be that one who will fully submit your whole self to God so that the destiny within you can be not only realized, but released upon the Earth?
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the things that God has in store for those who say “YES” to Him. Your best days are not behind you. They are in front of you. And the Glory of the latter house will be greater than that of the former.
For this ministry, we believe that 2011 will be a year of teaching, training and imparting as never before. We are actively scheduling Friday night and Saturday training sessions teaching various models on worship, and how we can prepare for this release of glory. We are asking churches to let us come in 3 times throughout this year to teach three separate models. The first model is to establish a baseline for worship. The second model deals with leadership and the third model deals with Kingdom Principles. These models involve two hours on Friday night, and 4 to 6 hours on a Saturday. Maybe you are interested in bringing this to your local body of believers; contact Michele for more information and details on these sessions.
We continue to expand the Throne Zone in 2011. We will once again host the Charlotte Throne Zone in August of 2011. We will have more information on that next month at our Throne Zone in Virginia Beach. We would love for you to be a part of that conference and help us dig the well in the Carolinas.
We are also attempting to utilize the internet as much as we possibly can to raise up worshipers, making preparations for the coming Glory, and becoming an agent of change that will effect a shift in cities and regions. Our first step is by releasing a monthly video blog. This will help us to learn the new technology and utilize it to its fullest. The sooner we learn this technology we will transition into a weekly video blog. You can follow us on www.youtube.com/keithduncantv and at www.keithduncan.wordpress.com.
Additionally, we are releasing a new Instrumental CD that has an evangelistic appeal. I will have more information on that next month, as well as releasing our new worship CD entitled, “Welcome In”- which is the most anointed CD we have ever released. Both CD’s will be available on iTunes and on other digital distribution platforms, as well as the actual CD sales through His Call Ministries.
Your faithful monthly support is valued greatly. You are making a difference. By faithfully sowing your seed into the fertile soil of this ministry, you are helping us to prepare the way for HIS GLORY by raising worshipers and leaders who are passionate for the presence of God. You are helping us to raise up a new generation of worshipers and worship leaders who are not seeking fame and fortune-although that is the by product for some- but they are focused on the purposes and plans of the Father, and how to release His Kingdom upon the Earth as it is in Heaven, just as Jesus prayed to the Father while in the garden. And for sowing your seed faithfully each month, Michele and I say THANK YOU!
We believe God for your destiny and for the fullness of God’s plans and purposes for your life, and we believe that you will be established in 2011. We love you and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Digging the Wells of Worship,
Keith Duncan His Call Ministries www.HisCall.org