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The Language of Love


This is the month when our hearts begin to turn toward the ones we love, or are very fond of. It is a time when we do special things; a time when we give chocolates and wonderful inspiring cards that convey a great message of love to one that we have great feelings for. It is the one time of year when we stop to convey our love and appreciation for that special someone in our lives. Sometimes we get so busy with work and our daily routines that we either forget to share what is in our heart for that person, or we take them for granted and convince ourselves that they know how we feel and therefore do not need to express it. But love needs to be communicated; it doesn’t need to be assumed.

Words make a great impact on our lives. With special thanks to the book “The 5 Love Languages” written by Gary Chapman, we have become aware of the 5 most common Love Languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time and Physical Touch. There are different languages simply because people respond differently. What is so beautiful is that God knows what language you speak, and He is able to show His love for you and me in a language that we understand.

With this understanding, doesn’t it stand to reason that the enemy of your soul would desire you to no longer feel that love from the father expressed upon you? Wouldn’t it be an accurate assumption that he would love for you to feel isolated, despondent, hopeless and alone; feeling as if no-one loves you much less even knows you exist?

I believe this is one of the greatest attacks that Satan has launched!

I have attempted to be very transparent with you over the past several months sharing some of the things I am learning. As I have shared with you, I have been in one of the toughest battles I have ever been in since June of last year. And as I have began speaking of the lessons I have learned while going through this deep valley, I have connected with countless ministry leaders going through the identical scenario which ironically began in June of last year. Coincidence? I think not!

You see, when you go through things there are two choices that you can make.

For some, they choose to increase their activity and leave no room for quiet time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week they leave the television going, they surround themselves with people and activity. Their thought process is that if they keep themselves busy, they will not think about their situation.

For others, they choose to withdraw from the social spheres. The pull back, get quiet and fade into the shadows. Their thoughts then become overwhelmed with questions, anxiety and worry, so much so they often feel as though they are suffocating.

Both of these responses are equally bad simply because we do not understand what the root cause of the problem, and therefore we are never able to deal with the real underlying cause.

Much like many of you, my dilemma came when things that I had been holding on to and praying for over the past 20 years seemed so close then right before my eyes, suddenly disappeared. Prophetic words that had confirmed some of my vision could have been easily thrown to the side when certain hopeful things left the realm of reality. I wish that I could say that I simply prayed in the Spirit for 3 days and then picked myself up and went on to conquer the next and greatest battle. Instead I find myself holding on to the promises I cannot see, because I know they are still on God’s timeline!

I truly believe that some of you have been holding on to specific promises from God; prophetic words that have been spoken over you, and dreams that God has placed in your spirit, yet you have not seen that dream manifest or that word come to pass.


1 Kings 17 tells us the story of Elijah and how he had been used to give the word of the Lord to King Ahab. After giving the word that there will not be rain nor dew for 3 years, God told him to go to the brook Cherith. That seemed like an interesting place to be didn’t it? Why would he send him to a brook…a place of water….when there was to be no water for the next three years?

God never called us to understand. He called us to trust Him and obey His voice.

As Elijah followed the instruction of the Lord, he went to the brook for this season of depending upon God’s provision. The word of God says that God provided the water from the brook and the ravens to bring him bread and meat in the morning and in the evening. It was in this season seemingly in a desert place where God showed himself as Jehovah Jireh.

Laura Story has written a wonderful song called, “Blessings”. The verse

We pray for blessings, we pray for peace Comfort for family, protection while we sleep We pray for healing, for prosperity we pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering all the while, You hear each spoken need Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things.

CHORUS: ‘Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops What if Your healing comes through tears What if the thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You’re near What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise.

The song continues with another verse and two choruses pursuing this same thought. Such a poignant song to challenge our paradigm isn’t it?

  1. 􏰀  How would we know Him as healer if we never got sick?

  2. 􏰀  How would we know Him as provider if we never had lack?

  3. 􏰀  How would we know Him as Prince of Peace if we were never afraid?Today, I want to remind and encourage you that God Loves YOU! God has a plan for your life. God has a unique destiny upon your life and mine; one that no one can accomplish upon planet earth unless we choose to lay it down and walk away.

With the challenges you and I face today, let us learn Him by His name. Is He Jireh, Shalom, Rapha? What are you going through today?

Let me remind you that He speaks your love language. He knows how to communicate that He is for you and not against you. He knows how to speak his words of love and encouragement to you in such a way that you understand. Perhaps it is simply a matter of stopping long enough to listen to His voice, and not your own thoughts.

Today, do not allow Satan to silence your voice. Do not allow what you are walking through today prevent you from sharing what He has placed in your heart. Do not allow today’s challenge prevent you from sharing hope and encouragement to someone else- regardless of whether you feel that you have something to give or not. Perhaps it is only one word that you can share. Proverbs 25:11 says that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Jesus used only one word, “Peace”. The winds and waves obeyed His voice. One word!

If it is only one word than you can get out, release that one word. Do not allow Satan the joy of silencing your voice. You are a gentle lamb, a lamb who knows the voice of their shepherd. A lamb doesn’t always know which direction to go; but this is the beauty of a shepherd. The lamb doesn’t have to know where to go; it simply has to follow the leading of the shepherd. Today, follow His leading. Speak what He says to speak…even if it is only one word, and watch what He will do for you.

God knows your love language. Watch today for Him to speak to you and receive His love, His peace, His encouragement and expect the great joy that comes as a result of your obedience today.

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