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The Power of Worship


2008 not only marked the beginning of the Economic collapse in America, but it also marked a time of great division within the church as we faced a new election.  Countless churches split as pastors endeavored to safeguard the Christian values that America was founded upon 400 years earlier.  Unfortunately, some Pastors took the opportunity to turn their pulpit into a Political polling station on both sides of the political divide producing results which surprised many.  Many pastors were simply trying to remind their people to vote to safeguard the religious freedoms and principles which America was founded upon.  Yet, many of those pastors experienced hardship as some of their congregations misinterpreted their comments.

Yes, 2008 marked the beginning of a downward spiral for the unity of the church, and spawned Anti-Semitism no longer geared toward the Jews alone, but expanded its focus against the Christian Church.  As the world and liberal news media scrutinized the church, it exposed leaders living a double lifestyle and seized every opportunity possible to chip away another layer of Godly values and principles that we the church have both embraced and taught.  And with every passing month, it seemed as if another moral failure or financial scheme was exposed, thus devaluing the influence of the church on modern society.

I am not endeavoring to throw my voice into the political arena, nor persuade you to vote one way or another.  I am not a politician.  However, I AM A WORSHIPER and would like to share a few comments on the power of Worship, and why it is a priority for today!

Worship UNIFIES US I recently watched a movie with Judah called, “The Avengers”.  It is a movie about super heroes coming together to overthrow the plan of Loki (the enemy) to rule the earth.

In the movie, Loki comes to the headquarters of the Avenger super hero group and causes division.  He knows that if he can get these super heroes fighting against each other, he can execute his plans to take over the earth.  Fortunately, the super heroes realize this plan, and they lay aside their differences and begin to work together as a team.  When they do this, they overthrow their enemy and realize each other’s strengths and no longer their weaknesses.

This is what worship helps us to accomplish.  It gets the focus off of us and our problems or wrong-doings, and helps us focus on God.  When we truly enter into worship, there is nothing else that gets attention.  Rather, the focus is exclusively upon God.

Worship is perhaps the greatest example of unity.  It is when an entire congregation joins as one voice in song, releasing the same words, at the same time, all directed toward the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  That is extreme unity.  This is why Satan fights worship so hard.  He does not want one person praising and glorifying God.  He for certain does not want an entire congregation singing praise to their God and King Jehovah!  Scripture tells us what happens when we join as one voice singing the same song at the same time:

  1. The Cloud fills the tabernacle and no one can stand to minister

  2. Walls crumble to the ground

  3. The camp of the enemy turns upon themselves and kill each other

  4. It fills a house where 120 believers are gathered and fills them with the Holy Ghost and Fire

If you want or need unity, then encourage worship!

Worship HEALS US I would like to share this testimony that I just received about a healing in a marriage.  This is from someone who watched me on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” program in Ft. Worth, TX.

When listening to Keith Duncan music I can enter into the throne room supernaturally. Or just humming the words of his songs from the CD’s the angles and the spirit of God are all around you.

I was humming the words from one of his CD’s and a sweet fragrance filled the room as the presents of the Lord covered me.

I got so excited, I played his music to a couple that had been having trouble for 10 years in their marriage.  Within minutes, the husband fell on his knees and began crying out to God to forgive him for all he had done to his wife and asking God to forgive him for all his sins. He was transformed by God instantly!          –Lynda R.


It reminds us what God has done for us in the past.  It reminds us that even though we had to walk through some bad times, God was with us and brought us through it.  Even though we may have lost our job, our loved one, we went through bankruptcy or even had our home foreclosed upon, God was faithful to bring us through that season, and by His grace is helping us to build again, or love again, or helping us find a better job than we had before.

As we sing about what God did for us in the past, it automatically begins to build our faith for the future.  If He was able to do it then, He can do it again!


When we remember who God is and what He has done for us, we want to make sure that we continue to live a lifestyle that will bring glory and honor to Him.  If our focus is the world, we want to live our lives to please the system of the world.  But, when we focus upon God and His Glory, it reminds us “What Would Jesus Do”, before we actually do something or say something we shouldn’t.

One of the former pastors I worked for used to say, “Our Focus Will Determine Our Flow”.  If we are focused upon the world, our lives will revolve around the things of this world.  Where the head turns, the body goes.

But when our eyes are steadfastly upon the one who gave His life for us, the things of this world begin to grow strangely dim.  We become more concerned about Him and His Kingdom rather than my kingdom.


When our eyes get out of focus, everything becomes blurry.  When Judah’s soccer team is not focused, they make many mistakes and usually lose the game.  But when the team gets refocused, they begin to play like some great players and win the game.

Worship helps us to remain focused upon the “Why” of our existence.  Worship helps us to get into the Throne Zone where we discover our purpose and our passion is reignited.  It helps us to realize the lyrics to the old hymn, “This world is not my home, I’m only passing through.”

Joseph Garlington says it this way, “We are not human beings having a temporary spiritual experience.  We are Spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.”

I still reference Matthew 6:33

“But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

Worship helps us to keep the main thing the main thing.  Worship must be focused on seeking God and His righteousness.  As long as that remains our focus, then all the other things in our life will fall into proper order.  It is when our focus is on this temporary earthly experience that things begin to go wrong.

I am reminded of the song, “In the Presence of Jehovah”.

“In the presence of Jehovah

God Almighty, Prince of Peace.

Troubles vanish, hearts are mended

when we’re in the presence of the King.”

The answer remains not with a political party, but with the presence of God.  Do everything within your power to enter into the presence of the Lord, and continue to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, knowing that everything you need will be taken care of by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

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