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Walking Through the Open Door



We were truly blessed and impacted by the ministry of Dr. Chuck Pierce who was one of our keynote speakers this past Throne Zone in Richmond, VA. His prophetic message and declaration for this particular year in which we are occupying, is of great significance for each of our lives. As I am sure you have all heard by now, the declaration and significance for this year in the Jewish calendar is dubbed the “Year of the Open Door”. Doors which have seemingly been shut in the past are going to swing open allowing you the opportunity to walk into your new season of life and ministry. Things that you and I have been praying for over the past several years will begin to open up in this year of the Open Door.

Look for doors that the Lord will cause to open to you.

Michele and I make a habit of praying not only for the Will of God in our lives and ministry, but we pray what I have dubbed, “Idiot-proof Prayers”. What do I mean by that? I simply mean that we ask God to shut doors that we do not need to walk through and allow only one door to be open. That way, we are confident of the will of God and the direction of God for our lives.

The word of God says that God holds the Key of David: the key that locks and closes doors so that none can open, and opens doors that none can shut. When we pray these “Idiot-proof Prayers”, we are surrendering our plans, thoughts and agendas to God, and giving Him permission to override our thoughts and ideas so that His plans and purposes will be established in our lives. We have witnessed God do that very thing not only in our lives over the past 22 years, but in countless others who have prayed that same prayer.

This is a season that the enemy will fill with distractions to keep our eyes unfocused and therefore hopeful that we will lose our balance and fall. But this is NOT the will of God through Christ Jesus for your life nor ours. God desires that we be steadfast, un-moveable, unshakable, always abounding in the work and plan that He has for our lives. And we can maintain our focus and balance as long as we keep our eyes upon God and not on opportunities, problems or circumstances that are going on in our life.

Matthew 6:33- “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Our main goal is to fix our eyes continually upon the Father, and walk through the doors that He opens in our life.

Do not fret or worry with “How” the Lord closes doors that need to be closed

But what happens when a door is seemingly shut?

Always remember that when one door closes, God is opening another door. When we remember this, we must not be startled with the door closing (or how it gets closed), but watch for the open door. I have shared with many that sometimes a closed door may come from being terminated at a job, or a particular season ending in your life. However God chooses to close a door, we must not look at the “How” He did it, but begin to focus and search for the door He is now opening for our lives.

Here at His Call Ministries, this is our continual prayer, “God Open Doors that You want open, and Close Doors that You want closed!”

As you know we have been planning the Throne Zone Pennsylvania. There was great momentum, but then there was a bump in the road with scheduling conflicts from our contacts in the PA area. We were uncertain as how to interpret this situation and ask God for clarity. As we began to seek His face, not only was there one door that opened, but there were actually two doors that opened that we believe will yield a GREATER HARVEST than we had initially anticipated. One such door was with regard to Cornerstone Television Network which is located outside of Pittsburgh, PA.

Keep your eye focused upon His plans and purposes for your life

This year, God has opened a door for us to assist with their worship sets during their Telethons. Historically, it is usually me going with tracks and my keyboard; however this time they approved for me to bring a worship team and band…..something that had been a closed door for a number of years.

As a result of this open door, we are providing worship segments for their daily flagship program (which we pre-tape while in PA for the telethon). Additionally, we are there building a heart for worship not only on the program but within their viewing audience. I am late with this letter because I have just returned from Pennsylvania doing their telethon. But this time was different than all others. I had the opportunity each night to share about worship, talk about the Throne Zone dimension of God’s presence, and help give instruction to the viewing audience “HOW” they can create an atmosphere of worship within their homes or work environment. Cornerstone has also just launched a monthly Night of Worship (N.O.W.) with content taken from our tapings. And yes….I had the opportunity to tape the opens and closes for these programs in addition to giving an opportunity for salvation. GLORY TO GOD!

This was a HUGE Open Door. So even though we could not affect a few hundred individuals with a Throne Zone Conference this May, God opened the door to impact lives of THOUSANDS through the medium of television.


When we decided to postpone the date for Throne Zone PA, we connected with Pastor Randy Wooden from Kingdom Life Ministries regarding a Throne Zone Chesapeake/Virginia Beach in October.

As I shared last month, Throne Zone Richmond produced 70% first-time attendees to Throne Zone, most of which came from the Tri-City area. A small percentage of those who attended came from the Tidewater area where we had been for the past 11 years. There was simply no place for them to stay as there were no hotel rooms available.

That being said, we are happy to announce that Throne Zone scheduled for May will be rescheduled to October 16-18, 2014, at Kingdom Life in Chesapeake, VA! We have confirmed Bob Sorge will be with us as our keynote speaker. Be sure to register now as space will be limited.

THRONE ZONE CHESAPEAKE October 16-18, 2014 Kingdom Life Ministries Chesapeake, VA

Our work continues in Pennsylvania. Thankfully, it will be through the power of the Television, while we continue to build relationships with other Worship Leaders and Pastors in that region.

It is interesting to note that this region was the birthplace of the Charismatic Renewal back in 1967 at Duquesne (Du-Kane) University located in Pittsburgh. Therefore, this city serves as an ancient well that I believe God wants to Re-Open and Re-Establish!

And so, we continue our efforts to Dig and Re-Open Wells of Worship within the United States and abroad….as HE OPENS THE DOORS!

  1. Look for doors that the Lord will cause to open to you.

  2. Do not fret or worry with “How” the Lord closes doors that need to be closed.

  3. Keep your eye focused upon His plans and purposes for your life.


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