Our first regional Throne Zone Worship Conference 2014 is now under our belt! We are very excited with the success from this new Regional Model that we have adopted. We received 1254 online registrations and averaged between 800-900 people each night. We realized the success from this Regional Model when we saw that 70% of the attendees were not only first time guests, but also were from the Richmond, VA region.
We were very blessed by Victory Tabernacle Church, their Sr. Pastor Sam & Donna Luke, as well as their staff who worked very hard to make sure that all of our needs were taken care of. We say a big, “THANK YOU” to Pastor Sam and his staff!
Of course we had a few challenges, from with this new Regional Model; one of which was with regard to area hotels. We have been spoiled over the past 11 years to have the conference in the ballroom of the hotel. When we scheduled Throne Zone at Victory Tabernacle, we had no way of knowing that a major soccer tournament was being held 1-1/2 miles away from the church and over 900 soccer players were coming from around the nation to that location and therefore took all of the available area hotels for our guests. We know there were some who came from the Tidewater area on Thursday night, but left on Friday because no hotel rooms were available. This was the case for a number of our guests which prevented us from having all 1254 in one service at the same time.
Over the next week or so we will be uploading some pictures from the conference to our website for you to view and see the many lives that were impacted as a result of Throne Zone.
We are also very pleased to say that the offerings covered the budget for the conference! This was a HUGE step of faith on our part, yet God honored our faith. A special “THANK YOU” to all those who gave in the offerings who helped ensure this event was taken care of.
We truly believe that this is a new season for His Call Ministries, and we believe God continues to call us to Dig the Well of Worship regionally. This is new territory for everyone as we move from the original model of One Conference a Year in the same location that we have all grown accustomed to. It is stretching our faith and our staff to launch out into the deep waters, yet we truly believe there are countless individuals who are crying out for water from these Wells of Worship.
On behalf of this ministry, Michele and I say THANK YOU for helping us to dig these new Wells. Without your continued financial support each month, we could NOT answer HIS call. But together, we are bringing water to those who are dry and thirsty.
Some of these territories will take longer to develop. Some are ancient wells that have been capped by various reasons. Some will take longer to dig because we have to dig
deeper than other areas. But the joy that is witnessed as many of these dry and thirsty souls find the refreshing from the cool waters of HIS presence is PRICELESS!
Please check our website often for new developments and new Throne Zone events to be announced. And of course, go to our website and sign up for our e-mail to receive all the latest news, announcements and updates for Throne Zone. Simply click “Throne Zone” for your preferences.
Throne Zone is not the only thing that we are concentrating on. We are also partnering with The Worship Center here in the Raleigh/Durham area to begin a monthly Night of Worship. The Worship Center is a wonderful facility that will accommodate 2,400 people. We share the same heart to create a SAFE PLACE for people to discover, explore and practice the Presence of God through worship. A JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE! This Friday night (April 4th), will be our first gathering at 7:30pm. It will be just worship—Morning Glory style; raw and organic with a prophetic flow. We would love for you to join us if your schedule allows. The Worship Center has negotiated special discounted room rates at the Springhill Suites in Raleigh for $75/night plus tax. Breakfast is included. So, help us establish this new well in Raleigh.
We are also excited to be announcing that we are taking applications for our Kingdom Worship Institute (KWI) which will begin in September of 2014. The KWI is an 8-month distance program whose curriculum is developed around Praise and Worship, Kingdom Principles and Leadership Training. We have over 30 students who have successfully graduated from this program. They are not necessarily worship leaders. Some are business leaders, afterschool specialty programs, people who desire to use adventure guides as a type of missionary tool, and countless other areas of ministry who had completed this program. For more details, click on www.KingdomWorshipInstitute.com.
It has taken some time, but we are proud to announce that Evangel Christian University of America (located in Monroe, LA) has reviewed our curriculum. Their Board of Regents has awarded us 30-credit hours toward the completion of any of their degree programs via their Online Campus.
Some of our students already have their degrees, but would like ministerial credentials or need help in obtaining their 501c3 non-profit incorporation to begin the ministry God has placed within them. Thanks to the A.E.G.A. (Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies), our students can apply for ministerial credentials with their organization and even incorporate and put into action that which has only been a vision within their heart. This is a true Kingdom Connection, and we are very excited about these new partners in ministry.
I am also very excited to announce that Michele has launched the Women’s Ministry arm of His Call. At the Throne Zone in Richmond, she launched her “Choose2Change” initiative. Michele’s desire is to help ladies make small choices that will produce huge changes. Whether it is in the area of nutrition, or exercise or shopping tips, she desires to see YOU be the best that you can be as you fulfill the destiny God has given exclusively to you. So ladies, please visit our website and add “Choose2Change” to your email preferences to receive her updates and announcements. You all are going to have a fun time on this journey with Michele throughout this year. Follow her on Facebook or read her blog at http://micheleduncan.wordpress.com.
And finally, we continue to pour into individuals who feel called into ministry. Michele and I will spend countless hours pouring into the lives of these young people who are so hungry to be poured into. We know that God has called us into this season of Fathering the next generation.
Our ultimate goal is to have a campus where students can participate in a two-year mentorship program while earning college credits toward their area of concentrated studies. Specifically, we desire to begin raising up Worship Leaders, who are passionate for the presence of God, not just musicians looking for jobs. We are imparting that passion into each student that we continue to pour into whether they are students at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, or at Lee University, or those that simply approach us. We know that God will use this next generation of young people to ignite this coming “Third Great Awakening”.
Michele and I want to personally thank you again for making the commitment to stand with us during this 2014-2015 year. There is much to be done in the Kingdom, and we realize that Relationships are the Currency within the Economy of the Kingdom. You are one of our most cherished relationships that we have, and our prayer is that we are one of YOUR most valuable relationships as well. That is what partnership is truly about.
With your help, we will make great advances for the Kingdom this year. It is my prayer that you will be one of those receiving from the waters of refreshing from His presence as we attempt to pour into your life over the next 12 months.
Together, we will make a huge impact for the Kingdom of God and see many souls transformed by His Presence. We are moving ahead with great excitement, and we are glad that you are joining us on this journey.
Christ’s richest and most abundant blessings are our prayers for you and all you do to help us Dig the Wells of Worship!