On November 6th, you and I will have a wonderful opportunity to go to the polls and cast our vote for our next President of the United States and other elected officials. I would highly encourage you to make time in your schedule to go to the polls and vote. Whether it be cold, rainy, or somewhat inconvenient, it is important that we as Christians elect officials and leadership who will embrace the Godly values we embrace to ensure that we remain “One Nation Under GOD”. We must remember that it is not a political party that guarantees success of a nation. Proverbs 14:34 states that “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Of course, we in America can often be confused in our approach to God because America is a Democracy. Our President and other officials are elected by the people, for the representation of the people, to ensure that people’s rights and liberties are protected. However, this is not the paradigm in which the Kingdom of Heaven operates.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a Kingdom, not a Democracy. It is imperative that we realize there are key components in a Kingdom which are opposite to a Democracy. This is perhaps the fundamental concept we must understand as we concentrate our focus on worship…more specifically worshiping F.I.T. for our King of Kings.
To begin with, let’s recap some important Kingdom Principles we must always keep before us to ensure we maintain proper balance and focus in our worship. (Kingdom Principles- Myles Munroe ©2006 Destiny Image)
The Central component of a Kingdom is the King
The King is Never Voted into nor out of Power
A King’s authority is by birthright
A King personally owns everything in His Domain
The Constitution of the Kingdom is the documented will, intent, desires, and purposes of the King for the citizens of His Kingdom.
Citizenship in a Kingdom is not a right but a privilege, and it is at the pleasure of the King himself. Citizens are chosen by the King and are beneficiaries of the King’s pleasure and promises.
Royal Privileges of the Kingdom are the benefits the King affords his citizens. They serve as a security for being in good standing with the King.
Matthew 6:33-34a says, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow.”
Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
If we, being citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, expect to live under the blessings & provisions of the King, we must begin with the assumption that we are to ascribe to our King the worship that is rightfully due Him. We must understand what our King likes, and what He doesn’t like, ensuring that we live in the favor and good pleasure of the King.
Frequency is defined as the number of times an event occurs within a given period. For example, “What is the frequency of Full Moons which occur within one year’s time?” And to that end, I would pose the question, what is the frequency of your worship? How many times do you stop in any given week to worship? Do you worship only on Sunday morning, or perhaps at home fellowship? Sadly, many professing Christians turn their thoughts to worshiping God only on Sunday.
According to The Barna Research Group, “Many adults find that having a truly worshipful experience is not something they can turn on and turn off at will. Without giving themselves time to clear their minds and hearts of their daily distractions and other problems, many people attend a worship event but never enter a worshipful frame of mind. A large share of churchgoers do not pray, meditate, confess or focus on God prior to the start of a church worship event. One consequence is that they find it difficult to connect with Him spiritually. Having never been taught much about worship, they find the inability to interact with God on a deeper level frustrating, but don’t know what to do about it.” (www.Barna.org- “Worship Tops the List of Important Church-Based Experiences”)
Let me pose a second theory:
Radio Stations operate on various radio frequencies. You have AM and FM stations, each with a varying frequency which sets them apart. To find different music styles or radio formats, one simply needs to dial into a new frequency by scanning the available frequencies being broadcast. The fact remains that thousands of stations are broadcasting, but you must tune your radio into their frequency setting to receive their broadcast.
The same is true when it comes to worship that the King likes. The sound is being broadcasted 24/7/365 from the Throne Zone. The task lies with us to dial into that frequency so we can hear the sound of Heaven and then release it upon the earth or into our environment. Let me explain.
During the summer, a bunch of youth gather at the river, get on their friend’s boat and go out for a fun day on the water. While on the water, they turn their radio into a station that broadcasts “fun-time” music and what do they do? They crank up the volume. Why? Because they know the louder the music, the more infectious the fun they will seemingly have. The same is true if you go to a dance or a party. The music there is broadcasting “fun-time” music that helps to create the atmosphere of “Fun”.
As Christians, and Citizens in the Kingdom of Heaven, there is a frequency that is operating in the heavens broadcasting worship FIT for the King. The lyric base has nothing to do with me or my perceived entitlements. It is all about HIM, the King.
The lyric base was penned from John the beloved who was caught into the 3rd Heaven where he stood before the Throne of God. He entered into the Throne Zone and penned the lyrics that transpired in that dimension.
Revelation 4:8- “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!”
Revelation 4:11- “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created.”
Revelation 5:9- “You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God: And we shall reign on the earth.”
Revelation 5:11- “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!”
Revelation 5:13- “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
Revelation 7:12- “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever, Amen.”
As a worship leader, I realize that I must use current songs to help gather the people. However, it is my responsibility to realize the lyric base of heaven, and then engage the congregation into joining with the heavenly host singing worship around the throne.
Well, it looks as if I will have to finish the “I” and the “T” portion of this partner letter next month. I have so much to share with you on this thought, and I can’t pack it all into this one letter.
So, I leave you with this thought in closing: Let us worship frequently throughout the week (in our home, car, office, bedroom, prayer closet, etc) and not use a lyric base of entitlement, but rather readjusting our sound waves to the frequency of Heaven- releasing the song of Heaven upon the Earth- declaring His majesty, His glory and His “worth-ship.”
Worship F.I.T. for the King!