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Worship F.I.T. for the King- The Conclusion


Happy New Year and Welcome to 2013!  I believe that this year will be one that causes us to reflect, yet propels us into new dimensions of God’s presence.  The BEST is yet to come!

For the past two months, I have been sharing on the subject, “Worship that is F.I.T. for the King.”  I have shared that the “F” deals with Frequency- how often we worship, but also asking if we are tuned in to the frequency of Heaven.  Are we focused and tuned into the worship that transpires around the Throne of God in Heaven as described in Revelation Chapters 4 & 5.  If not, I challenged us to tune into the sound of Heaven and release that sound upon the earth.

In December, I shared that “I” must not deal with “ME” focused worship, but on the Great I AM.  More specifically, when we realize the access that God has given us to the very Throne Zone Dimension of His presence, we must be “INTENTIONAL” in our worship services to press past the praise zone, continue through the worship zone, and enter into The Throne Zone.  As worship leaders and worshipers, we must not settle for anything less than The Throne Zone and God’s Glory.

Now as we enter into this New Year, I want to share that the “T” must deal with “TRANSFORMATION”.

The theme of our upcoming 10yr Anniversary Celebration of Throne Zone is “Honoring the past…..Embracing the future…….Anticipating His Glory.”  I believe this is our theme not only for the conference, but what God desires for this coming year.

As I share with many congregations, and will share in a unique way on Thursday Night of Throne Zone (which you do NOT want to miss), as we enter into the worship zone- our worship shifts from being horizontal in its expression and begins to shift vertical.  It is during this worship zone where we are being drawn by the Holy Spirit closer to the Throne of God.  It is also in this place where we begin to see ourselves as God sees us.  He sees our sincere hearts, He sees our hunger for more of Him, He sees our insecurities and shortcomings and every other component within our lives.  Knowing what transpires in this “Worship Zone”; many people choose to conclude their journey because they grow uncomfortable and desire their worship experience to be more celebrative than confrontational.  Yet, this is a very strategic step in our journey to The Throne Zone.  It is a step that cannot be circumvented.  You cannot enter to The Throne Zone through a shortcut somewhere…..there is no other way.  Amid all the clatter being broadcast on TV, radio and the internet, there still remains only one way by which man can be saved, and that is through the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary.  Of course you and I know this very well, but the world is sending mixed signals and many believe the lies being propagated by the world today.  Therefore, it is imperative for us to honor the past.

When we honor the past, we remember the past victories that we won, and we remember how they were won.  We remember what God did for us and how He rescued us from some of the worst moments of our lives- whether that be in sin, or a life-threatening moment- but something happens when we stop and are intentional in remembering.

When we remember and acknowledge the work that Jesus Christ did in our lives, we can then look ahead and know that if He was faithful to bring us through our past victories, then His is MORE THAN ABLE to preserve us and help us overcome the challenges and temptations that lie ahead.  And because we remember His past provision & protection, my faith becomes strengthened and I can begin to move forward and Embrace the Future.

But, if we choose to stop in that Worship Zone and not allow the Holy Spirit to do within us what He needs to do, we prevent the Holy Spirit from bringing TRANSFORMATION into our lives.  This prohibits us from moving forward and therefore will inhibit us from entering into the Glory God is releasing in the Earth. 

This TRANSFORMATION will transform us spirit, soul and body.  It will cause us to change the course and actions of life we are pursuing when He challenges us.  I do believe in GRACE, but I do know that when we say YES to God, there are things we must turn loose of that will hold us back and prevent our access to the FULNESS of HIS PRESENCE, and prohibit us from entering into The Throne Zone.

When we truly have an encounter with God, we will not act the same.  Moses didn’t even look the same.  He had to wear a veil over his face because it shined so brightly.  The woman who pressed through the crowd stopped bleeding immediately and resumed life healed and made well as a testimony.  The man who lay by the pool at Bethesda changed the location of where he stayed once Jesus came and healed him.  No longer did he need to hang out at the pool waiting for his healing. 

Too many of us have established relationships from hanging out at the pool that we want to stay after we have been healed because these are the only friends we have made.  But transformation causes us to pick up our bed, walk into the unknown future, and forge new relationships sharing what God has done for us.  This is TRUE TRANSFORMATION.

When we experience TRANSFORMATION in worship, it will give us a new focus & clarity on this next season of our lives.  We can embrace the future and ultimately anticipate His Glory.  He desires to position you and me in our correct places of authority so we can be ready to be “RELEASERS OF HIS GLORY” in our lives and ministry.

This Transformation is not always changing sinful behavior.  Transformation may deal with strategies and business plans.  God is having me speak to many marketplace ministries and entrepreneurs regarding these downloads that God wants to give them in The Throne Zone of worship.  I believe He is giving business plans, marketing strategies and clear revelation how to move into this next season.  I believe He is doing that in your life, your business and your ministry.  That is why I am passionate about getting people into that Throne Zone dimension.  If they can tap into that dimension, people will discover their place, get in their place, operate in their God-orchestrated place, and therefore walk in favor, blessing and exponential results.

I am asking you to prayerfully consider partnering with us for another year.  As we share this vision, it will take financial resources to accomplish this vision, and I would like to be able to count on your monthly support as we move ahead.  Therefore, I have enclosed another partner card for you to pray over.  I will collect your cards at our reception.  We are also asking God for 100 additional $25/month partners to join us at this year’s conference.  We will be asking new partners to join us during the Friday night service, and then provide a reception for new partners following the service.  Please help us pray.

Our mission is sure, our vision is great.  We can only move forward with your help.  Remember, what you do for others, God will cause to be done to you.  As you bless this ministry, God will raise up others who see your vision and support your vision.

2013:  Honoring the Past……Embracing the Future……Anticipating His Glory!

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